Selasa, 30 November 2010

Cara Mengubah Icon Blog Anda

Untuk mengubah icon blog anda, anda bisa menggunakan cara dibawah ini :

1. Dashboard > Rancangan > Tata Letak

2. Edit HTML

3. Cari kode dibawah ini :

4. Tambahkan kode ini diatasnya :
<link href='Masukkan URL gambar Anda disini'
5. Kemudian simpan template anda

Membuat Efek Roll Ketika Membuka Blog

1. Dashboard > Rancangan > Tata Letak

2. Edit HTML

3. Cari kode di bawah ini :

4. Tambahkan kode ini diatasnya :
<script type='text/javascript'>
5. Kemudian simpan template anda.

Membuat Breadcrumb pada Blog

Breadcrumb adalah menu navigasi berurutan yang ada diatas pada artikel posting dan merupakan cara efektif untuk memberi fasilitas kepada pengunjung untuk melihat kategori posting pada suatu blog.

Berikut adalah cara membuat Breadcrumb :

1. Pada Design, kemudian pilih Edit HTML, klik pada Expand Widget Templates.
2. Cari kode berikut ( gunakan Ctrl + F pada keyboard untuk memudahkan pencarian )

 <b:if cond='data:post.title'>
3. Setelah anda temukan, letakkan kode dibawah ini dibawah kode tadi.

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
<a href=''> Home </ a> »
<b:if cond='data:post.labels'>
<b:loop values='data:post.labels' var='label'>
<a expr:href='data:label.url' rel='tag'> <> </ a>
<b:if cond='data:label.isLast != "true"'>, </ b: if>
</ B: loop>
</ B: if>
</ B: if>

Catatan: ganti kata dengan nama blog Anda.
4. Kemudian klik save Templates.

Menu breadcrumbs ini hanya akan muncul diatas artikel atau dibawah judul blog ketika Anda membuka situs suatu posting dan bukan situs utama blogspot Anda.

Senin, 29 November 2010

Membuat Back To TOP

Instalasi back to top pada blog adalah untuk memudahkan pengunjung kembali keatas setelah menggunakan scroll untuk membaca artikel sampai kebawah. Jika menggunakan back to top tentu akan lebih cepat daripada menggunakan scroll. .
Cara membuatnya back to top :

Masuk ke design dan pilih page elements

Klik pada add gadget-pilih HTM / JavaScript

Masukkan kode dibawah ini :

<style type="text/css">.backtotop a:hover {background:none;}</style><div class="backtotop"><a style="display:scroll;position:fixed;bottom:5px;right:5px;" class="backtotop" href="#" rel="nofollow" title="Back to Top"><img style="border:0;" src=""/></a></div>

Increase Web Site Traffic With These 7 Ways ( Meningkatkan Traffic Website dengan 7 Cara )

You've got some content on your site. You are looking to get the word about your site out there. Getting a marked increase in web site traffic can be a challenging task for webmasters, especially aspiring webmasters. Internet traffic plays a huge role in determining the success of your web site.

Don't have enough traffic? Then you won't have enough opportunities for visitors to perform your most desired action. This action could range from getting your visitor to subscribe to your newsletter or to contact you for more information about your business.

So how do you get that increase in web site traffic you want? There are a variety of ways, both free and paid, to get more web site traffic. You could go about getting any type of traffic, but that wouldn't help much unless it was targeted. Targeted visitors are more valuable. Targeted visitors come to your site with the right frame of mind. They are hoping that your site will provide them with the information they are looking for.

1. Search Engines

Search engines can provide an enormous increase in web site traffic. Search engine spiders can find you through their daily travels on the web. However, it doesn't hurt to manually submit your site to search engines. And if you want to increase the chances that you'll be found in search engine rankings, read up on search engine optimization.

2. Link Exchanging

When you exchange links with relevant, non-competing sites, you add value to your web site. If your visitors can't find what they're looking for on
your web site, your links may help them. And if you have only high-quality links, you'll increase the chance that your visitors will come back to your web site.

3. Submit to directories

Submit to major directories like the Open Directory Project and Zeal so that your web site becomes more visible. Also submit to themed directories with topics relevant to your web site. Smaller directories may not be too beneficial in terms of web site traffic but they can give you more inbound links.

4. Pay-per-click advertising

Pay-per-click advertising can help you get more web site traffic. Pay-per-click advertising is a popular form of advertising where you pay for an ad to be included in specific search engine results pages. It's easy to lose money with this type of advertising so get a guide. Pay-per-click advertising can deliver targeted traffic to your site as interested visitors click on your ad. Make your ad specific and bring them to a relevant page on your web site.

5. Submit articles

Write excellent articles about your web site's topic. Articles can increase your reputation and establish you as an expert in your field. Or they can shine a negative light on you if you submit total garbage. If your articles keep readers interested, then they may want to visit your site for more information.

6. Word of mouth

Tell everyone you know about your web site. If your web site is excellent or stands out from the crowd, the word will spread as more and more people hear about it. If it works, the effect can be huge. So do whatever you can to mention your site in your daily contact. For example, add an email signature to promote your web site.

7. Traffic exchange

You have to be careful with traffic exchanges. Some programs tend to be very untargeted as they simply show pages to members. However, there are programs that can bring in more targeted visitors. Some programs let you show ads so only visitors who are interested will come to your web site. 

Alamat Internet di Inggris akan Habis 2012

Vice President Google, Vint Cerf, mengatakan bahwa Inggris akan kehabisan alamat internet di tahun 2012 mendatang. Vint Cerf, yang membantu mendesain internet seperti yang kita kenal saat ini ketika menjadi peneliti di Stanford University, AS, menyatakan, sebagian alamat IP (internet protocol) yang tersisa akan dialokasikan dalam waktu dekat. Artinya, alamat-alamat tersebut akan habis digunakan di sekitar tahun 2012.

Prediksi akan habisnya alamat IPv4 yang saat ini masih digunakan diutarakan Cerf saat ia menjadi pembicara di peluncuran 6UK di Inggris. Sebagai informasi, 6UK merupakan kelompok yang mempromosikan penggunaan sistem pengalamatan internet baru yang dikenal dengan IPv6.

Menurut Cerf, IPv6 mampu menampung 340 triliun triliun triliun alamat internet dibandingkan dengan maksimal 4,3 miliar alamat internet yang dimungkinkan saat menggunakan teknologi IPv4. “Secara teori, menggunakan IPv6, kita tidak akan kehabisan alamat internet,” kata Cerf, seperti dikutip dari Guardian, 15 November 2010.

Cerf menyebutkan, hal tersebut perlu dibicarakan dengan pengguna internet di seluruh dunia. “Jika Inggris tidak mengimplementasikan IPv6, maka kita tidak bisa berhubungan dengan kawasan dunia lain yang menggunakan IPv6,” ucapnya. Bila itu terjadi, kata Cerf, ini merupakan hal yang sangat memalukan karena Inggris memegang peranan penting dalam perkembangan internet. Ironisnya, menurut Nigel Titley, Ketua organisasi 6UK, saat ini belum satupun situs pemerintahan di Inggris mendukung teknologi IPv6.

Di saat yang sama, pemerintah negara-negara lain seperti Australia, Kanada, China, Jerman, Finlandia, Perancis, India, Jepang, Belanda, Luxemburg, Polandia, Swedia, dan Amerika Serikat sudah bergerak lebih cepat dalam mengimplementasikan IPv6.

Minggu, 28 November 2010

Membuat Gambar di Sudut Blog

1. Masuk ke Tata Letak

2. Edit HTML

3. Cari kode :

4. Tambahkan kode diatasnya :
#anima_sudut {
position:fixed;_position:bottom;top:0px; right:0px;
document.documentElement.clientWidth - offsetWidth); }
5. Cari kode :
6. Tambahkan kode diatasnya :
<div id='anima_sudut'>
Masukkan script gambar Anda disini</div>
7. Simpan Template anda

Membuat Disable Right Click

Disable Right Click berguna untuk melindungi artikel atau gambar anda dicopy ( meskipun pengunjung bisa menggunakan menu pada browser, paling ga membuat ribet pengunjung anda ). Sebuah pesan akan keluar jika pengunjung anda melakukan klik kanan. Jadi untuk gambar yang dimasukkan cobalah diberi watermark supaya tidak disalahgunakan.

Cara Membuatnya :

Masuk kedesign--pilih pagelements

Add a gadget--pilih HTML/javascript

masukkan kode dibawah ini :

var message="Tulis pesan disini";
function clickIE4(){if (event.button==2){alert(message);return false;}}
function clickNS4(e){if (document.layers||document.getElementById&&!document.all){if (e.which==2||e.which==3){alert(message);return false;}}}
if (document.layers){document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEDOWN);document.onmousedown=clickNS4;}
else if (document.all&&!document.getElementById){document.onmousedown=clickIE4;}
document.oncontextmenu=new Function("alert(message);return false")
Catatan : Pada teks "Tulis pesan disini" anda bisa mengubahnya dengan pesan yang anda inginkan.

Mosquelife, Islamic "Foursquare"

Sepertinya dunia internet, khususnya situs-situs jejaring sosial telah menyatu dengan kehidupan manusia dewasa ini, berbagai hal yang merupakan sesuatu yang baru terus diciptakan dan dikembangkan. Dan salah satu fitur ataupun fasilitas yang bisa kita dapat yaitu layanan location based untuk memudahkan pengguna yang ingin berbagi informasi seputar kawasan di mana ia berada kepada pengguna lain. Lihat saja situs-situs seperti  Foursquare, Twitter, Facebook, dan lainnya.

Situs-situs populer seperti di atas sudah menyediakan layanan berbasis lokasi. Di tanah air, muncul pula Koprol, jejaring sosial yang prinsipnya serupa dengan Foursquare. Situs ini kemudian diakuisisi oleh Yahoo.

Tanggal 26 November 2010 kemaren, Mosquelife, jejaring sosial berbasis lokasi bernuansa Islami asal Indonesia, diresmikan. Bedanya, MosqueLife memperkenalkan check-in yang unik yaitu check-in ke al-qur'an. “Have you Check-In to al-Qur'an today ? Lets commit a time to read, understand and practise al-Qur'an...,” sebut Mosquelife pada tampilan utama situsnya.

“Sebenarnya layanan ini kami hadirkan untuk mewarnai Facebook dengan konten yang menyegarkan,” kata Eko Budhi Suprasetiawan, mewakili tim Mosquelife. “Situs ini juga mencoba mengikuti gelombang populeritas check-in seperti layanan yang disediakan Foursquare,” ucapnya.

Fitur Check-in ke al-Qur'an, kata Eko, dapat membantu para Facebooker untuk berbagi ayat-ayat al-Qur'an setiap hari dengan kawan-kawan mereka. “Selain itu, kita juga bisa melihat ayat-ayat apa saja yang sedang dibahas oleh Facebooker.

Untuk mendaftar, pengguna dapat login ke Mosquelife memanfaatkan akun Facebook yang sudah ia miliki. Setiap kali ia membaca ayat-ayat suci Al-Qur’an dan menemukan ayat yang ingin ia bagikan ke rekan-rekannya, ia dapat menekan tombol Check-In. Ayat ini kemudian akan dibagikan ke teman-teman di Facebook lewat wall si pengguna.

Selain Check-In, pengguna juga bisa memilih Browse untuk melihat siapa saja rekan-rekannya yang sedang membaca atau membahas ayat yang bersangkutan.
“Saat ini kami sedang meriset algoritma untuk menayangkan fitur ayat terpopuler,” kata Eko. “Kalau di twitter ada "trending topics" kita di MosqueLife nantinya akan dapat melihat ayat-ayat apa yang sedang banyak dibahas,” ucapnya.

Selain dapat dimanfaatkan oleh pengguna PC desktop atau notebook, Mosquelife juga bisa diakses lewat pengguna mobile yang memanfaatkan smartphone. Meski demikian, saat ini versi mobile-nya masih dalam pengembangan. “Tampilannya memang belum pas, akan tetap ini terus kami kerjakan agar dapat memenuhi kebutuhan pengguna,” ucap Eko.

Sabtu, 27 November 2010

Komputer Keren

Ini baru keren bro !

Beberapa Cara Meningkatkan AlexaRank

alexarank, alexa rank, web rank, webstats, statistics, blogging, traffic sources, trafik pengunjung, alexa toolbar, webrank toolbar, SEO, alexa position, blog stats, website stats, traffic blog

Ada banyak cara untuk meningkatkan Alexa Rank, setiap blogger memiliki cara tersendiri untuk meningkatkan Alexa rank halamannya. Bagi yang belum memahami apa itu Alexa Rank, Alexa Rank adalah adalah suatu pengukur trafik yang mengunjungi web atau blog. Semakin kecil nilai Alexa Rank maka berarti semakin baik trafik untuk suatu web atau blog tersebut.

Berikut ini adalah lima cara bagaimana meningkatkan alexa rank :

1. Pasang Widget Alexa
Jangan segan untuk menginstal widget ini pada blog Anda meskipun nilai Alexa Rank di blog dalam nilai juta. Dengan cara ini adalah semacam satu signal untuk dikirimkan ke server Alexa ketika blog kita dikunjungi. Sehingga update pada blog kita terus menerus berjalan. Setiap klik pada widget Alexa yang terpasang pada blog kita juga termasuk satu kunjungan.

2. Pasang Alexa Toolbar
Alexa Toolbar ini dapat didownload di web Alexa. Jika kita menggunakan Firefox adalah disarankan menginstal add on Webrank Toolbar.

3.  Menulis Artikel Yang Berkualitas
Menulis artikel pada suatu tema yang sedang hangat yang mana mampu meningkatkan trafik ke blog Anda. Selain itu, tulisan yang berkualitas juga akan membuat pengunjung blog anda betah berlama-lama berada di blog anda. Yang secara otomatis meningkatkan kualitas traffic anda.

4. Blogwalking
Melakukan Blogwalking dan meninggalkan komentar di blog yang kita kunjungi., Kebanyakan pemilik blog juga akan mengunjungi blog Anda kembali dan dari situ juga kita bisa mendapatkan trafik.

5. SEO
Sentuhan SEO pada posting perlu agar lebih cepat mencapai Google dan blog kita menduduki halaman pertama hasil pencarian, akan membawa dampak dimana kemungkinan untuk dikunjungi adalah lebih tinggi.

Jumat, 26 November 2010

Newest Gadget

Are you getting older, but still have a fun side that you like to show? If this sounds like you, you are not alone. Remember, just because you are getting on a bit does not mean that all the fun has to stop. In fact, there are hundreds of toys and gadgets that you can buy to satisfy your inner jchild. With these toys you will be enjoying yourself just like you used to when you were younger.
Listed below are a few gadgets, toys and games that you may want to consider.

1. ATC-2000 Action Camera

Capture your mountain bike or ski antics on camera by strapping one of these digital video cameras to your helmet. It's designed to rough it outdoors with you foolhardy types, so go on be a devil!

2. Mopods

Plug sockets are so last year. Now you can charge your iPod absloutely anywhere with the ingenious Solio charger. This palm-sized, eco-friendly charger uses sunlight to power up portable devices at an amazing rate!

3. Marshmallow Blaster

Release your inner child with this deceptively powerful air gun. A world of yummy fun awaits with this Marshmallow Blaster. Just pop a marshmallow in the chamber and fire to your heart's content. Or till your tum is full!

4. All Mighty Magnet

It's not size that matters, it's what you do with it that counts. Well we're not about to open a debate on this questionable saying but when it comes to this little guy, he certainly won't be complaining. His pulling power is phenomenal.

5. Bottle Bong Party Shooter

The Bottle Bong/Party Shooter will turn any diplomatic drinking event into an absolute dog show! Attach the Party Shooter to the top of the bottle and feel the drink shoot down your throat at an amazing rate!! Top party fun, can you handle it ?

6. Toxic Waste Sour Explosion Candy

Feed your sour cravings with the only double-action sour candy on the planet. Hidden deep inside each sweet is a top secret super-sour core which literally knocks your socks off.

7. Casino Playing Cards

MGN Grand, Caesars Palace , New York, New York – these are all names of some of Las Vegas's notorious casinos. But what if you could play with the very cards that have been used on these famous floors? Well, thanks to our thrifty buyers here at now you can!

8. Virtual Girlfriend and Boyfriend

Take all the hassle out of relationships with a Virtual Boyfriend or Girlfriend with these great like pocket-sized freaks. Take them on dates, offer them presents, whisper sweet nothings in their ears… make that relationship work for once.

9. Mood Beams

Mood Beams are the newest and coolest way of setting the mood in any room of the house. If you're a fan of Japanese cartoon characters and ambient mood-lighting then Mood Beams are right up your street. 4 different flashing faces, 5 different light shows and they're music sensitive.

10. The Good Book

The Good Book has been tampered with. Some crafty so-and-so has cheekily cut out a section on every page in the shape of a flask and inserted a stainless steel flask for you to keep your holy spirit safe from would-be hootch heisters or sauce swindlers. 

Kamis, 25 November 2010

Get Notified When Someone Hacks Your Facebook

Facebook just announced a tool that notifies you by e-mail or SMS text message when someone logs into your Facebook profile from an unknown computer. The idea is to help you recognize when a hacker has broken into your account so you can respond quickly by either changing your password (if that’s still possible) or contacting Facebook.

Once you enable the notifications, you’ll be required to identify each computer you use to log in when you first use it and choose whether or not it’s a private or public machine. You’ll be able to see a history of registrations from machines potentially used by hackers, and of course those hackers will be forced to type something into the identification field to get in, so you should be able to tell whether it was just a login that you forgot or not.

Here’s a quick guide to turning this feature on and using it >>>

Step 1: Go to Account Settings and Enable Notifications
When you’re logged into Facebook, you’ll see the word “Account” in the top right corner of the browser window. Click there to get a drop-down menu of options, then click on “Account Settings,” as pictured below.

You’ll end up looking at a page that lists ways you can customize your account, including “Name,” “Password,” “Linked Accounts” and “more.” As long as you don’t navigate away from the “Settings” tab, you’ll see “Account Security” close to the bottom of the list. Click “change” on the right to show the following option :

Check “Yes” when you see the prompt, “Would you like to receive notifications for logins from new devices?” Then click “Save.” The feature is turned on. Now we’ll show you how to use it.

Step 2: Log In and Register Your Computer
The settings won’t be customizable until you register the computer you’re logged in with, so you’ll have to first log out and then log back in. You can do this from the “Accounts” button in the top-right corner, as we mentioned before. When you log in again, you’ll see a screen titled “Register this computer.”

Type the name of the computer in (it can be anything you want as long as it’s something you’ll recognize and remember), and choose whether you want Facebook to remember this computer or not.
Facebook suggests a good rule of thumb: If the computer is a public one (like one you’d use at a library, a shared work computer or a machine in your school’s computer lab), leave the box unchecked so it will have to be registered each time a new login occurs, leading to an e-mail or text notification.
If it’s a machine you use every day, then go ahead and check the box; you probably don’t want to receive an email every time you log into Facebook from a safe place!

Now that your computer is registered, you can see more options when you revisit the “Account Settings” page where you first enabled the notifications. You’ll see a history of registrations; it won’t record every time you log into a computer that’s already registered, but it will record every new registration, which should include at least the first time any hacker logs in.
You can check or uncheck the option to have the immediate notifications sent to your cell phone via text message in addition to the basic email option.

Membuat Footer Menjadi 3 Kolom

Seperti yang telah kita ketahui kebanyakan template untuk blog hanya memiliki satu Columns pada footer. Yang pada akhirnya menyebabkan kita tidak dapat meletakkan banyak widgets di ruang tersebut. Dengan membuat ruang footer menjadi tiga bagian, maka banyak widgets seperti Pesan Terbaru, Recent Comments, Archives dan iklan dapat dimasukkan. Membuat footer seperti pada blogspot sangat mudah dengan hanya mengikuti langkah dibawah ini :

Catatan: sebelum anda mengedit template adalah disarankan agar membuat salinan template terlebih dahulu dengan mengklik Download Template pada situs Layout --- Edit HTML
Pindahkan dahulu widget yang ada di footer ke side bar atau bagian yang lain.

1. Pada Design pilih edit HTML

2. Cari kode berikut

&lt;div id='footer-wrapper'&gt;
&lt;b:section class='footer' id='footer'/&gt;
&lt;/ Div&gt;

(Catatan: pada beberapa template selain dari footer-wrapper Anda mungkin akan menjumpai footer atau footer-section)

3. Ganti kode diatas tadi dimulai dari &lt;div&gt; ke &lt;/ span&gt; dengan kode berikut:

&lt;div id='footer'&gt;
&lt;div id='footer2' style='width: 30%; float: left; margin:0; text-align: left;'&gt;
&lt;b:section class='footer-column' id='col1' preferred='yes' style='float:left;'/&gt;
&lt;/ Div&gt;
&lt;div id='footer3' style='width: 40%; float: left; margin:0; text-align: left;'&gt;
&lt;b:section class='footer-column' id='col2' preferred='yes' style='float:left;'/&gt;
&lt;/ Div&gt;
&lt;div id='footer4' style='width: 30%; float: right; margin:0; text-align: left;'&gt;
&lt;b:section class='footer-column' id='col3' preferred='yes' style='float:right;'/&gt;
&lt;/ Div&gt;
&lt;div style='clear:both;'/&gt;
&lt;hr align='center' color='#5d5d54' width='90%'/&gt; &lt;/ p&gt;
&lt;div id='footer-bottom' style='text-align: center; padding: 10px;'&gt;
&lt;b:section class='footer' id='col-bottom' preferred='yes'&gt;
&lt;/ B: section&gt;
&lt;/ Div&gt;
&lt;div style='clear:both;'/&gt;
&lt;/ Div&gt;

4. Kemudian save template Anda.

Beli Komputer Ini Kayak Beli Mobil

Ini adalah komputer paling mahal di dunia dalam jangka waktu spesifikasi tertinggi dari komputer. Jadi komputer ini juga menjadi komputer tercepat di dunia yang tersedia di pasar. Mari kita lihat spesifikasi dari komputer yang dirilis oleh Maingear dan bernama X58 ePHex.


- Power Supply : 1200W Silverstone DA1200 Power Supply
- Graphic card : 3x NVIDIA® GeForce™ GTX 285 3GB GDDR3 in SLI w/ PhysX
- Motherboard : Asus Rampage II Extreme Intel X58 Chipset
- Processor : Intel® Core™ i7-965 Extreme Edition 3.2GHz
- Thermal Management : Red Liquid
- Memory : 12GB Corsair XMS3 1333MHz
- Four Hard Disks : 4 x Western Digital Caviar Black 1TB 7200 RPM 32MB Cache – SATA II
- RAID : RAID 5 – Striping With Parity (requires 3 or more HDDs)
- Two Optical Drive : 2 x LG Super Multi Blue Blu-ray™ Disc Burner & HD DVD-ROM™ Drive
- Soundcard : Sound Blaster X-Fi Titanium Fatal1ty Champion Series
- Network Card : Bigfoot Networks Killer NIC M1
- Wireless Network Adapter : D-Link Xtreme N™ 802.11n DWA-552 PCI Adapter
- Speakers : Logitech® Z-5500 Digital 5.1 THX
- Headset : Razer Piranha™ Headset
- Webcam : Logitech® QuickCam® Ultra Vision
- Primary Display : SAMSUNG 305T Black 30? 6ms DVI Widescreen LCD Monitor
- Secondary Display : SAMSUNG 305T Black 30? 6ms DVI Widescreen LCD Monitor
- Keyboard : Razer Lycosa™ Gaming Keyboard
- Mouse : Razer DeathAdder™ Gaming Mouse
- Exterior Finish : Red Flamewerks Automotive Finish
- Chassis Window and Lighting : Translucent Window Side Panel w/ White LED Lighting Bundle
Wah jadi pengen nih...!

Rabu, 24 November 2010

15 Tips Pencarian Google

Berikut ini adalah 15 metode dasar pencarian untuk search engine Google :

1. Kalkulator Google
Bisa buat ngitung angka apa aja, misalnya mau menghitung 5*54 / 12 + 56. ketik angka tersebut beserta tanda perhitungannya, setelah itu tekan enter atau klik search dan google akan memberikan hasil perhitungannya. Beberapa tanda aritmatika yang didukung : penambahan (+) , pengurangan (-) , perkalian (*) , pembagian (/) , pangkat (^) dan akar kuardrat (sqrt).

2. Kamus Definisi
Bisa untuk mengartikan sebuah kata dengan menuliskan kata "define:" (tanpa petik), contohnya define:cacing

3. Mencari sebuah title tertentu
mencari kata tertentu dalam sebuah website, formatnya "intitle:title yang dicari". contohnya intitle:gelas.

4. Konversi
Buat konversi ukuran panjang, besaran dan bahkan suhu, misalnya mencari berapa yard untuk 50 meter tulis aja "50m in yard" , atau berapa derajat Fahrenheit untuk 100 derajat celcius cukup tuliskan "100C to F"

5. Kurs Mata Uang
Mau tahu berapa harga dollar Amerika hari ini ? Tulis aja "1 USD in IDR".
Format mata uang dalam satuan internasional, misalnya untuk rupiah indonesia ditulis IDR, dollar Hongkong ditulis HKD, dan lain-lain.

6. Cuaca hari ini
Untuk mencari keadaan cuaca disuatu kota, tulis aja misalnya "Jakarta weather"

7. Pencarian untuk sebuah tipe file
Jika mau mencari sebuah file dengan isi tertentu dan jenis file tertentu pula tulis aja seperti ini "tutorial game 3D filetype:doc" nanti akan muncul hasilnya berupa artikel-artikel dengan judul yang ada kata-kata seperti itu dalam format .doc

8. Pencarian dalam sebuah website
Kalau mau mencari sesuatu didalam sebuah website tulis "kata dicari" , misalnya mau mencari game didalam website jasakom maka tulis "game"

9. Waktu lokal sebuah kota
Pengen tahu waktu sekarang di Bali ? tulis aja "time bali"

10. Hilangkan hasil pencarian yg tidak dikehendaki
Jika anda mau mencari tentang tata surya tapi tidak ingin hasil pencariannya ada kata-kata planet, maka tinggal tulis saja seperti ini "tata surya -planet"

11. Pencarian sebuah kalimat utuh
jika ingin mencari sebuah kalimat utuh didalam website gunakan tanda _ . - sebagai pengganti spasi. contohnya "siapa_sih" hasilnya akan berbeda dengan "siapa sih"

12. Status Penerbangan
Mau tahu status sebuah penerbangan pesawat ? Tulis aja seperti ini ""British airways flight 5 " ,untuk menulisnya harus tau tipe maskapainya dan nomor penerbangannya.

13. Pencarian grup Google berdasarkan subjek
Tulis ?insubject:then topic here?

14. Mencari situs relasi
Tulis " untuk mencari situs alternatif dari website yang dicari.

15. Mencari link untuk URL tertentu
Silahkan ketik di Google : ? cara ini berguna untuk mencari alamat2 lain yang menghubungkan ke website yang dicari. contohnya dan hasil akan keluar berupa alamat2 website lainnya yang memiliki link ke google ini.

Semoga ini bisa bermanfaat bagi anda yang ingin mengoptimalkan pencarian anda di Google, mengingat sekarang banyak sekali web / blog yang mengakali Google untuk mencari traffic yang tinggi.

Selasa, 23 November 2010

Membuat Tautan Berlangganan di Blog

Memasang langganan secara e-mail pada blog bertujuan untuk memungkinkan pengunjung mengetahui jika blog kita membuat entri atau pun posting terbaru. Menambahkan formulir berlangganan email ke blog sangat mudah dilakukan dan merupakan salah satu cara untuk merangsang kunjungan berulang ke blog kita. Ini memungkinkan pengunjung blog anda menerima email bila ada update pada blog kita. Langganan ini salah satunya menggunakan fasilitas yang disediakan oleh feedburner.

Cara memasang tautan berlangganan pada blog:
1. Jika belum memiliki account dengan feedburner daftar dulu disini.
2. Kemudian klik pada my feed pada link bagian atas layar, kemudian klik pada nama blog 

feed burner

Jika belum ada feed masukkan url blog di burn a feed right this instant dan klik next


3. Kemudian pilih publicize

publicize feed

4.Kemudian pilih email subscription

email subscription

5. Kemudian pilih activate

6. Selanjutnya pilih Use a Widget in dan pilih blogger .. klik go untuk menginstal secara otomatis

Jika ingin menginstal sendiri :

Copy kode yang muncul

pasang kod

Kemudian masuk ke design-page elements

Add gadget-pilih HTML / Javascript

Paste kode tadi dan klik save.

Menginstal chicklet

Pada menu publicize seperti diatas tadi pada sidebar kiri pilih feed count. Kemudian akan keluar tampilan seperti dibawah. Cara menginstal kode ini seperti diatas juga.

pasang chicklet

Creating Online Community

Looking for somewhere online to meet new people, discuss hobbies, plan events, or just have fun chatting? Online forums have been around for some time on the internet and often free and easy to setup. Forums are basically online discussion web sites where people share information and chat grouped around a set of topics. One example might be a local photography club. You could setup topics around types of cameras, locations for shooting, local events and meetings, printing tips, etc. Often there are administrators and moderators that help to keep the discussion orderly and on topic.

Some items to consider when starting an online forum include…

Cost – Often you can find them for free. There will probably be some advertising on the site, but don't most sites now a days?

Features – Does the forum support avatars, private messages, user levels, themes, etc.

Security – Is it possible to create forums that only register users can post in? Helps to avoid those spammers.

I cannot stress the last one enough. You should be completely able to control who is in your forums. One bad apple spoils the bunch. On that same note, it is common for a forums to have moderators. These are people that help enforce the rules in the forum. Make sure your choose your help wisely. When it comes to administrators, there should only ever be one. Administrators have the keys to the city and can set your forum ablaze.

Finally to make a forum a success you need to attract people to it to join. Obviously if it is for a church or some other established group, this is relatively easy. Tell your friends, family, club members. If you are starting from scratch, do the same. Tell people, show people, invite people. Check to see if your forum site is listed in search engines like google. Once you get past that initial setup and recruitment your will soon be on your way to having a forum that you and your friends can enjoy. 

Senin, 22 November 2010

Memasang Google Translator

Instalasi widget Translator atau "Penerjemah" pada blog sangat diperlukan. Translator ini berguna apabila blog kita dikunjungi secara sengaja maupun tidak sengaja oleh pengunjung dari negara lain yang melihat blog kita dan tidak tahu bahasa kita, maka mereka dapat menggunakan widget ini untuk menerjemahkannya kedalam bahasa yang mereka inginkan. Berikut adalah cara untuk memasukkan translator pada halaman blog : 

1. Login ke Blogger kemudian pilih menu Layout

2. Kemudian klik pada Add Gadget

3. Pilih HTML / Javascript

Kemudian masukkan script berikut ini kedalamnya :

 <div id="google_translate_element"></div><script>

function googleTranslateElementInit() {

new google.translate.TranslateElement({

pageLanguage: 'ms',

includedLanguages: 'ar,zh-CN,zh-TW,nl,en,tl,fr,de,hi,id,it,ms,ru,es,th,vi'

}, 'google_translate_element');


</script><script src=""></script>

Simpan, dan kemudian silahkan lihat hasilnya...! 

Gambar Design Komputer Retro

Komputer dengan design retro ini memang benar-benar unik, Design yang terlihat klasik ini terinspirasi oleh sebuah televisi Philco Predicta di tahun 1954, sampai keyboard dan mousenya pun bisa dibilang sangat unik. Komputer ini didesign oleh Schultzeworks Studio, berjalan dengan sistem operasi windows 7. Meski kelihatannya klasik, tapi jeroan dari komputer ini semuanya berisi komponen-komponen kelas atas.

Minggu, 21 November 2010

Membuat Facebook Like Button

Facebook Like Button ini fungsinya adalah untuk memudahkan pengunjung berbagi artikel di blog dengan teman-teman di facebook. Button ini adalah salah satu cara untuk meningkatkan trafik ke blog anda karena facebook merupakan web jaringan sosial paling populer saat ini. Jika ingin menginstal tombol tersebut pada blog anda pada dasarnya kode dapat diambil di facebook developer dengan hanya memasukkan beberapa setting dan kode facebook like akan ditampilkan. 
facebook like

facebook like

Langkah membuatnya :

Masuk ke design—pilih edit HTML

edit template

beri tanda checklist pada Expand template widget
expand template

Kemudian cari kode ini (gunakan Ctrl+F untuk memudahkan pencarian):
find code

Kemudian letakkan kode dibawah ini setelah kode diatas :

 <iframe allowTransparency='true' expr:src='&quot;; + data:post.url + &quot;&amp;layout=standard&amp;show_faces=false&amp;width=100&amp;action=like&amp;font=arial&amp;colorscheme=light&quot;' frameborder='0' scrolling='no' style='border:none; overflow:hidden; width:450px; height:40px;'/>

Windows Registry - Safe Ways To Speed Your Computer

When Windows first started out, programs stored pretty much everything they needed in the same folder as the program. The files were simple text files, called "ini" files. They contained all sorts of information, from the last files you opened to color choices and much more. The big advantage of this was that when you changed computers you could usually get away with copying a program's folder across to the new machine and the program would still run. And if you ran into problems with a program, you could almost always solve them by checking the contents of their ini file.

Then came the Windows Registry.

It was supposed to make life simpler. One central repository to store everything vital about your computer. Everything you ever need to know about your machine is stored there - software, hardware, applications, settings, hardware drivers, helper files, where that window was when you last opened it and whether it should open there again.

This means that the Registry is good in theory.

In practice, it's not always as easy. Much the same as mending your car used to be simple, now it takes more computing power than it did to land on the moon.

Entries get stored there but not removed when they are no longer needed.

Because it's near enough incomprehensible to real people, nasty programs can hide details in the Registry. Programs like viruses, adware and spyware. Not to mention keystroke loggers and other nasties.

When the registry gets too full with stuff it doesn't need, your computer starts to slow down with all the extra (unnecessary) workload. Booting up takes longer. Launching simple programs gives you enough time to brew a fresh coffee. Closing down your PC is just as bad.

The most radical way to sort this out is to completely re-install everything on your computer from scratch. But assuming you live in the real world or have nothing better to do for the next couple days, this likely isn't a viable option.

Next up, if you're brave, is by using the Regedit software that comes with Windows. Unless you're manually removing something that you installed when you wrote a program, this really isn't recommended. Type in or delete the wrong thing and your computer could become more unstable. Sure, try it on a machine belonging to an enemy (when they're not looking, of course) or a computer you no longer use. But messing with the registry by hand on your regular computer is not something to be undertaken lightly, if at all.

Far and away the best way of cleaning up your registry and speeding up your computer is to use software specifically designed for the purpose. There are plenty of programs around and your choice is likely to be dictated by the one you come across first - near enough all modern registry cleaner programs work efficiently and will get your computer back up to its full speed quickly and without any of the worries associated with tackling registry entries manually.

Sabtu, 20 November 2010

Life Without Reciprocal Link

Reciprocal linking occuring naturally is not wrong in any way. But, many that reciprocate take advantage of the fact that a site A will not be penalized for giving out links to another site B. Meanwhile, B has a higher link popularity due to the vote from A. So hey, why not reciprocate and increase the ranks for both sites? Doing so excessively results in both participants having a higher web rank despite not contributing anything to the overall internet community.

Now, Google values reciprocal link less. Specifically, if a site A points to site B that Google considers offensive, site A will be penalized. Therefore, each site now has to be careful on whom it gives its endorsement to.

Do not worry. With reciprocal link on its way out (slowly), we have no choice but to give the best information available to the web community. Here are several ways to increase your site rankings :

1. Create content.

The purpose of search engine is to help people find the information that they need. In the business world, successful companies always give what their customers want. Therefore, create content that your potential customers want and they will be grateful for that.

After the latest google update codenamed Jagger, reciprocal link has less relevancy than ever before. Many have abused this system before and there are even sites that thrived by offering link exchange programs.

2. Give and You Shall Receive.

Give away your content and you shall receive more visitors. This idea is a basic marketing principle. This is like giving away samples of new products at a fair or at an exhibition. Your job is to let people know about your products and/or services. The more people try it out, the higher chance of them becoming your regular customers. It works similar in the search engine world. If you charge exobirant amount of dollars for service that nobody knows, who would come and try out your products?

3. List your website to good web directory.

OK, submitting your sites to good web directories will require your site to be a high PR site or it costs money. Either way, this is not an efficient marketing campaign. Why would you want to link to web directories if you already have a decent PR rank? You will be better off concentrating on your existing visitors rather than acquiring new visitors. Therefore, linking to good web directories are for a new less-visited site. However, good web directories normally do not want to link to small unproven website. Why ? As stated before, if site A links to a bad site B, then A is considered a supporter of B, which means that Google may penalize site A for linking to B.

That leaves us an option to paid web directories. Paid Web Directories generally has a good PR rank. However, to get a number of links from them gets really expensive. If your budget permits, this might be a good idea. However, please remember also that PR rank is not static. When a particular website provides useful information to its visitors, its PR rank will generally increase and vice versa.

4. List your website to general web directory.

Web submission is generally free or require a link back from you. Reciprocal linking is risky therefore it is not advisable if you can still find the free web directory. Please note that these free web directories do not actually want to work for free. They are building hard to provide relevancy to the search engine and increase their link popularity. Therefore, someday, these freebies might become quality web directories.

At that time, they will then charge fee for new site listing. Meanwhile, you are already listed ... for free ! What is your risk? None that I can think of. If a bad site A points to your site, you will not be penalized for it. You cannot control who can or cannot link to your site. There are millions of websites to monitor. Therefore, register your site to the free web directories. Some of them will be mediocre or non existent within a few years. But, some that does succeed will bump your PR ranking up. The best thing of all is you don't spend a dime listing your site with them. At least, not yet.